Archive for January 2013

Read my letter to colleagues and friends…   1 comment

New York, January 29, 2013

Dear Friends and Colleagues:
I suppose many of you are asking what became of the Krab Nan Kalalou collection I announced so proudly to have created in August of last year.
I thank you for your concern and interest. In fact, it is my pleasure to say that the first book of this collection: Anacaona, the Taino Queen of Ayiti, la Reine Taino d’Ayiti, has been produced by Trafford Publishing and is on sale on their website as well as on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google etc. I also have a few copies at your disposal at The book is receiving a warm reception.
For the remaining titles which, as you know, include the biographies of our historical leaders and some folktales, I want to inform you that several ones have been written and will be submitted for publication if I can find a publisher who is willing to accept the collection. I’d appreciate it if you let me know of your thoughts and contacts. I am also looking for good illustrators.
I want to acknowledge the support of the following people:
– My sisters Gina and Marie who provided a financial contribution
– The writer M.J. Fièvre who edited the English part of Anacaona
– Members of my family who gave me their solidarity and advice
– My friends in Montréal, Haiti, Paris and New York and the writer Margaret Papillon who showed interest
The second volume of my autobiography is presently in press and will be published shortly. It’s in French and entitled: Evocations de mon Passé, 2. I hope you will get a copy as well.
Sincerely yours,
Maryse Roumain

Posted January 30, 2013 by maryseroumain7 in Uncategorized